Question i7 8086K 24/7 OC

Would you be able to help me or provide some information on what to set in the bios and what software to test it on also what temps should i be looking for and avoiding, i have read that people get 5GHz on 1.23-1.25v LLC 5 and some cant get it to 5GHz on 1.3-1.39v LLC 6
I cant seem to find a good spot for my i7 8086k at 5GHz, Vcore @44, stress test usually bluescreens between 1-5min aida64.
I have tried 5GHz, AVX 0 offset, 1.280-1.3v, Level 5 and 6 and im getting blue screens or high temps to 88C and bluescreens, also i have set the AVX offset from 1-3 on all my previous tests and with the offset bluescreens appear faster even on CineBench.