I7 8700 high temps under load.


Mar 22, 2017

I am having I8 8700 with stock cooler. Idle temps are very fine, 30 degrees Celsius but under load it can reach 90c. Playing Battlefield 1 reports 80-90c.


I stressed the CPU with CPU-Z and i get the same values 80-90c. When i used Intel Diagnostic Tools the temps were 70c max.

Does anyone have this issue too ?

Thank you.
Almost everyone does with a stock cooler, the new intels are hot, and the per core temps show a better story, ie only the most used cores are allowed to get that hot, which is mostly by design.

If you want better temps you just need better cooling, especially for coffee lake.
Many Asus boards run MCE (MultiCore Experience) "On" by default, which will run all cores at max turbo if possible. (If on in your BIOS, it's possible this might overwhelm your factory cooler, and, you might be able to easily lower temps by quite a bit by not running all cores at 4.6 GHz or whatever the turbo value is for an 8700; try it simply with MCE set to OFF if applicable, and check to temp differences...)

Mine was on Auto. I turned that option off and i do not notice any difference, probably on Auto the system turned it off too.

Hello I have the same issue with my 8700... Good thing I have pretty decent airflow in the case... I turned off MCE and TurboBoost now the temperatures are pretty good ~65 while gaming instead of 85+.i don't mind if the performance is a little bit lower... I mean it's a very powerful chip... You don't really need that much power for gaming anyway. I will change the cooler in the near future. But the Temps are decent.