i7 8700k coolermaster 212 evo?


Jun 21, 2017
so at the moment i´m rocking an i5 6500 with the coolermaster 212 evo but im planning to upgrade to an i7 8700k, can the 212 do the job of keeping it cool at stock speed? at least for a while, later im going to change the 212 for an noctua nh-d15(not a big fan of water cooling), once i get the noctua i would be able to overclock to 4.8 ghz at least?

Btw I am also doing the same thing you are and my hyper evo 212 is keeping it cool enough at stock speeds for a couple months now. Ive got a Evga clc 280m on the way now tho 😀

it is provisional, of course i would not oc with the evo 212 just stock until i get the money for a noctua, but until i get the money im going to be ok with the 212 for gaming at stock?

You won't regret, that motherboard is amazing I have it too 😀

Btw I am also doing the same thing you are and my hyper evo 212 is keeping it cool enough at stock speeds for a couple months now. Ive got a Evga clc 280m on the way now tho 😀