i7 8700k getting hot


Apr 24, 2017
Just build my pc and evrything seems to work fine but my cpu is getting waaay to hot, i'm not even doing anything just installing programs and all ready it can go to 60°c. I have a h100i v2.

Yeah, those temps are about right. The chip is just really hot. Are your radiator fans not spinning on the h100i? They should be spinning all of the time. Forget what corsair link says, look at the actual fans and see if they are turning.

If your fans are turning and you are getting 78C on a CPU stress test then your system is fine. You will just need to delid that CPU to drop the temps.

Doesn't move at all. 🙁

How can i check if my AIO pump is on?

You got corsair link running? then you ought to be able to see the pump speed.


My pump fan is spinning at around 2100rpm
But my fan is sitting at 0 and sometimes it spins.
But i can change the speed my self, even setting it at max i can hear it spin up but the software stills says 0 rpm

78°c is the max it got after the stress test. Are those good temps?

Yeah, those temps are about right. The chip is just really hot. Are your radiator fans not spinning on the h100i? They should be spinning all of the time. Forget what corsair link says, look at the actual fans and see if they are turning.

If your fans are turning and you are getting 78C on a CPU stress test then your system is fine. You will just need to delid that CPU to drop the temps.

My fans are indeed spinning and after i rebooted my pc corsair software now shows my fan speed as well. Good to know nothing is wrong. Thanks!