Okay, so i bought my friends old PC since he upgraded basically everything. only thing i had to purchase was a graphics card (msi gaming x gtx 1060 3gb) and a hard drive. the processor is on a Asus P6T motherboard with corsair 1333mhz ram 3 2gb sticks, 750w PS and a corsair H55 hydro pump. the issue i am having is the cooling part at stock settings on the CPU. No OC what so ever. idle temps seem fine anywhere from 38-44 max degrees Celsius. now when i run prime95 temps will exceed 80-90 and i instantly stop the test at 90 Celsius. I've re applied the thermal grease 4 times already with artic silver 5 using the p method, rice, vertical line and horizontal. is there something i am doing wrong? application on paste? wrong kind? or do i just have that luck of the draw on this cpu? any help would be appreciated. Thanks.