but remember, even if we do OC it, it only takes off a few years and these chips,if taken care of , can last ten years or so. And as we all know, with the hdw advancing so rapidly these days, itll become obsolete in 4-5 years and relegated to second line work.
I know for sure, my i7 is going to be a backup computer in 4 years when i get an 6-8 core cpu.
The practical OC is somewhere between 3.6-4.0. Any higher is just for the e-peen. You dont get any major increases except in your electrical bills, An 920-975 is the same chip, its just their quality wise with the best being the xeons and the average best the 920s...
In the end, id take a 920 to OC... seriously though, if your running 24/7, leave it in the mid 3's to high 3's. Yeppers