i7 980x vs i7 4770k


Mar 31, 2014
I have been given the opportunity to buy an i7 980x for $200. Do I take it or wait to I can get the i7 4770k for $110 through Intel through their retail edge program. Is the i7 980x really that great?

To answer your...
But it I were to overclock the 980x to the same speed as the 4770k then it would be better performance because of the extra two cores correct? Isn't the 980x designed for over locking?
If I had the money and the CPU (i7 980x) and x58 MB were cheap enough I would get it. Though I would not part with my current PC. I got my CPU and MB about a month before Haswell was released. I knew there were coming but I thought later in the year. Right now is an odd time to buy a highend PC parts, as Intel is expected to release Broadwell next year. Also Haswell E at the End of this year, Nvidia has their Maxwell GPU line up coming sometime at the end of this year or early next year. The safest thing really is the i7 4790K as Intel claims to have tweaked Haswell architecture, specifically the thermal interface on the CPU Die. That along with a Z97 MB...Maybe a Asus since their awesome. Mind you Haswell E i7 5820K is going to be their entry level processor and it will have 6/12 cores/threads which is going to cost about the same as the i7 4820k...so keep that in mind...
Well there are a couple of statements here such as "The 4770k destroys it in single core performance" that stretch the truth so much they are almost the opposite of the truth. A little better in most things yes, but far from total destruction.

In-fact the 980X still does better in video creation (the main reason many of us bought it) than the modern day 6 core equivalent or predecessor the 4960X.

That said, I make it a rule never to buy old tech which the 980X most definitely is. If you were buying it to replace another CPU on an existing X58 mobo i'd say go for it, $200 is a good deal, but that's not the case here.

As the tech for CPU's improve so does the tech for motherboards (and everything else). The newer LGA 2011 motherboards have many improvements over the 980X's LGA 1366 (X58) motherboards not to mention the limited options you would have for buying a LGA 1366 mobo.

Unless video creation is your main thing stick with new tech.

I built my rig I think just about 4 years ago. According to the benchmark I sacrificed 10% performance when I chose the i7-970 over the i7-980X while saving $700. I used that savings to get a good Graphics Card. My main purpose is to do video editing. My question is now that the 980X is no longer $1,000 would getting it now for $200 (+/-)...? I didn't plan on yet doing a new build for I do know if I choose new tech as in 4770K or even a 5th Generation CPU I would then be forced into a new motherboard. Whereas, if I chose the 980X I can use my existing MB. Would this be a good by? Or would you suggest to bite the bullet and go for a new build...? Thanks in advance for any replies I may receive concerning this move...

To answer your question, I did both. At the time I had the money for it: I kept my X58 board and eventually upgraded my 950 while building a new 4770K/Z87 system. X58 was a very unique platform for enthusiast in its heyday. I doubt I'll ever get rid of mine being it has the 980X. To each his own