i7 990X Build


Jul 15, 2013
Hello, I recieved an i7 990x as a gift about a year ago. I am just getting around to making a build around it. I know LGA 1366 is mildly outdated, but I am determined to use the 990x , I can't sell it either. So i already purchased this motherboard as well :http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-ASUS-P6T-LGA-1366-X58-DDR3-ATX-Motherboard-No-I-O-Shield-/350821378193?pt=Motherboards&hash=item51ae956891
This is the build I am planning: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/InventorOfLag/saved/1XKT I am going with a beefier PSU because I plan to SLI down the road. Can anyone suggest any changes or revisions to my build? Not including the parts I already have I want to keep the budget to less than 650 USD. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
you will need to use triple channel ram. also fixed up the rest of the components

-you will need the SSD if you want good overall speeds
-the stock cooler on the 990x is pretty good. if you want a legitmate upgrade, you will want to get a noctua nh-d14
-better psu
-smaller case as you dont necessarily need all of it

Thank You for the response. Why exactly do I need triple channel RAM?