i7 bottleneck GTX 970?


May 9, 2017
Hi, I have i7 2600 non-k version and my cpu is very unstable when it comes to utilization in games. In GTA5 sometimes cpu isn't bottlenecking gpu (GTX 970) but in the centre of the city my cpu goes crazy and bottlenecks my gpu down to about 40%. Can someone tell me why? I think it's not the fault of cpu because its pretty strong even today. Also even in fallout 4 when I look quickly from desert to the city I get some stutters and fps drops

But the problem is it isn't only in GTA, it happens in most of new games like The Witcher 3 in Novigrad or Fallout 4 in town or Resident Evil 7 when it comes to rapid looking around
Is gsync turned on by chance? You can try running afterburner while you game and use it to monitor vram usage. If vram is consistently being used above 3.5gb it might be the remaining slower 500mb of slower vram. Here's how to enable vram monitoring in afterburner.


Yes, I do run games with g-sync but does it have this kind of impact? And I know what's the deal with gtx 970 and I'm trying to not get over 3,5gb usage so I think it's not that, also I run with 16GB of ram and I think that's enough