Hello, my computer freezes during daytime but not at night, I suspect it happens because of the heat, when it's raining and cool during daytime my computer won't freeze, only if the temperature is hot,
Do you have one of those Vampire computers that only works at night? (lol)
It might be that the cpu heatsink/fan is not cooling the cpu enough and that is why it's freezing up during the day and not at night when it is cooler ,can you see what your temps are and can you list you computer's spec's so we can see what components you have.
Firstly, you might need to run a program that monitors CPU temps and see what readings you get when it freezes. If high, then yes, the temps are an issue.
Then you will need to roll up your sleeves and get in there; open the case up and give the thing a thorough cleaning, including (but not limited to) the CPU radiator and fan. Ensure that the dust-balls are actually removed and not just moved from one place to another, as it usually happens when using a blower. Repeat this for all the other fans/filters/radiators that system has. Run the CPU tems program with the case opened and then with the case closed (please use grounding and common sense when doing all this). You should see a good improvement in temps and the freezing issue go away.
If still temps high, run a quick visual check while the case is opened and ensure the CPU fan is running OK. If it doesn't, it will need replacing. If it does, you may need to proceed to step 3, which would be re-applying the thermal paste/compound on the CPU (after removing the radiator/fan) and then re-setting the radiator and fan. Make sure you clean up the dried-up thermal paste before applying the new one and use only a thin film of the paste when doing it - a little goes a long way.
Please report back with any issues.
Hello, my computer freezes during daytime but not at night, I suspect it happens because of the heat, when it's raining and cool during daytime my computer won't freeze, only if the temperature is hot,
do you have air conditioning in your house/apartment? if not overheating is likely the problem