
Nov 11, 2008
Anyone care to take a stab at saying what temps are too high?

Maybe it will be good to start a thread and see where everyone's redline is at this (very early) stage.

Please note what you are running your comp at, what temps are saying, what program used, and FSB x CPUM + VCC.

I am currently running prime95 with no errors @ 15 minutes

965ee, 133x29 @ 1.28125 vcc (stock HSF)

Temps are
39c,34c idle
90c,88c load



90c is way too hot, your heatsink is probably not installed correctly.

I believe TJ max for that chip is 100c, give or take 5c. Your really not very far from throttling. That is when your chip will lower frequency and voltage to try to cool it's self down.

If you built that system your self, I would check the heatsink installation. If you bought it assembled, I would call them and tell them your cpu is pushing 90 plus Centigrade.

My setup is B3 Q6600 3100mhz Tuniq Tower 60c max Tjunction temp as measured in Realtemp