Anyone care to take a stab at saying what temps are too high?
Maybe it will be good to start a thread and see where everyone's redline is at this (very early) stage.
Please note what you are running your comp at, what temps are saying, what program used, and FSB x CPUM + VCC.
I am currently running prime95 with no errors @ 15 minutes
965ee, 133x29 @ 1.28125 vcc (stock HSF)
Temps are
39c,34c idle
90c,88c load
Maybe it will be good to start a thread and see where everyone's redline is at this (very early) stage.
Please note what you are running your comp at, what temps are saying, what program used, and FSB x CPUM + VCC.
I am currently running prime95 with no errors @ 15 minutes
965ee, 133x29 @ 1.28125 vcc (stock HSF)
Temps are
39c,34c idle
90c,88c load