i7 upgrade or 2k monitor

Hi Mdh994 :)

Waiting for ZEN will take a while around Q4 2016 or Q1 2017 and lots of speculation on its performance.
You would have to upgrade your MB for ZEN.

Take a look at this monitor as well: https://www.amazon.com/LG-Electronics-Digital-31MU97-B-31-0-Inch/dp/B00OKSEVTY?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00OKSEVTY&linkCode=as2&linkId=7F4472PSSHDBLGLC&redirect=true&ref_=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl&tag=4k0e-20

There are a couple of 31in 4k monitors by LG and have good reviews.
Go here: http://4k.com/monitor/a-review-of-the-lg-electronics-ips-digital-cinema-31mu97-b-31-0-inch-screen-led-lit-monitor/
If it were me I would get the monitor first as your current system will support it.

Thanks for the reply. Yea wasn't sure if cpu would bottleneck hard.. I am considering a 1080 for 2k although 1070 would be fine?