
Mar 19, 2009
My Build, What do you think...

CPU- Intel i7 920

MOBO- Evga x58 sli bl

RAM- OCZ 3x2gig 1600 MHz gold

GPU- Evga 260 core 216 (made me go over my price range but, it happens haha)

PSU- xigmatek 750 watt modular (cheep modular 750 high ratings)

Hard Drive- WD Caviar black 620 gig 7200 rpm's

case- antec 900

DVD drive- LG22X dvd+R dvd Burner

Monitor - still not bought, feedback? Acer 23 inch 1080p that's max in price but any other suggestions?

I have no choice but to go stock on cooling, i can not afford anything more for a month or two, will leave stock speeds till i can afford it...
in the future-
possible SLI
possible RAID
possible HD upgrade (raptors and a 1tb)
distant future 12 gig's ram

uses- 3d rendering/ animation and some weekend gaming


Feb 23, 2009
You can get cheaper SLI with the Asus P6T. Use the money you save to get the Platinum version of that ram and a good heatsink & fan (e.g. the Xigmatek Dark Knight). You could do better with your PSU, but if you need modular, I don't know what else to recommend. Everything else looks grand.