tnance24 :
SkyMembrane :
tnance24 :
Gingerbread :
When it comes to FPS, you will see nothing. Honestly now point of changing 3rd gen high-end CPU for a 6th gen low-end i7, not just low-end but the first batch of skylake.
What about more CPU intensive games, for a game like Arma 3. And what is the best possible cpu I can get for 600 dollars or under for gaming?
But what FPS are you getting with that Titan X and 3930k? Even at Ultra/1440p, you should have well over 60 fps in any game, really.
It depends on the games, because for example, some games like H1Z1 if I am around buildings I can drop to like 45 frames for some reason and I have a 144hz monitor and I want to take advantage of higher frames. and I just get this feeling that my 3.2Ghz processor is the problem when it comes to random games that are not to GPU intensive.
You're running it at stock?
I mostly take my last post.
OC that puppy, you'll see a difference in FPS. You really don't need a new CPU.
EDIT: As said already, the biggest increase in frames would be from another GPU.