[SOLVED] i9-12900k cooling


Sep 9, 2017
New build with an i9-12900k cpu on a MSI Pro Z690-A
Using a Noctua D15 with dual fans.
Have a total of 6 case fans, all exhausting.

Question is that under stress, cpu hits 100C on first 7 cores (HWMonitor) and 80-90C on the remaining.
I know that this cpu does run hot although I don't know how much or what is OK.
I've reseated the Noctua a couple of times just to be sure. No difference.
All runs well, just hot!
Is this OK or do I need to solve more problems?
I've stressed it with several tools including Prime95, Cinebench and Intel Burn Test.
What is the make/model of your case and fan arrangement?
I have a similar setup.
A simple cpu-Z stress test does show 100c. on some of the(presumably P) cores.
The good thing is that the processor just keeps on trucking and does not shut down.
I think the msi motherboard, by default is pushing the default performance up.
I watch task manager on a side monitor. I see instances of 5.2 clocks which is good.

What will your pc be used for?
If for gaming, you will not get all 24 threads fully utilized and you should be ok.
If you are running multithreaded batch apps that can load all available threads, then some sort of cooling solution is in order.

Research I have done would indicate that adding another fan to theNH-D15 is not all that...
What is the make/model of your case and fan arrangement?
I have a similar setup.
A simple cpu-Z stress test does show 100c. on some of the(presumably P) cores.
The good thing is that the processor just keeps on trucking and does not shut down.
I think the msi motherboard, by default is pushing the default performance up.
I watch task manager on a side monitor. I see instances of 5.2 clocks which is good.

What will your pc be used for?
If for gaming, you will not get all 24 threads fully utilized and you should be ok.
If you are running multithreaded batch apps that can load all available threads, then some sort of cooling solution is in order.

Research I have done would indicate that adding another fan to theNH-D15 is not all that helpful, resulting in perhaps 1 or 2c. difference.

On cooling, you want to concentrate on getting lots of cooling air into the case.
Usually, this is from the front. In time, all that comes in will exit somewhere, taking component heat with it.

The NH-D15 has about the same radiator size as a 240/280 aio.
To do significantly better, you would need a 360 aio mounted in a good case.

I am not ready for that. The 12900k is so stupid fast already.
Dunno. Just wanted to blow out all hot air I could thinking drawing in fresh air would be good.

OK, I switched out the 3 fans in front of the case to draw in room air. Hard to tell if it made substantial difference or not. Temps still seem to be 90-100 on first 7 cores, and 80-90 on remainder.
The first heading on HWMonitor under CPU Temperatures is " package". I don't know what that refers to but it's at 100C pretty consistantly.
Again, everything seems to run well, but hot.
You should take a look at this: https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/i9-12900k-temperature-problem.290034/
The chip gets hot. You've got some tweaking to do:
-no overclocking(manual or auto), not that this cpu even needs it.
-undervolt. Auto Vcore has always sucked, but it was a necessary evil due to silicon lottery.
-enforce those long(PL1) and short(PL2) power limits, which are 125w and 241w respectively - or go a little lower, if needed. If I remember correctly, this cpu runs with them removed by default, unlike the other 12th gen.