New build with an i9-12900k cpu on a MSI Pro Z690-A
Using a Noctua D15 with dual fans.
Have a total of 6 case fans, all exhausting.
Question is that under stress, cpu hits 100C on first 7 cores (HWMonitor) and 80-90C on the remaining.
I know that this cpu does run hot although I don't know how much or what is OK.
I've reseated the Noctua a couple of times just to be sure. No difference.
All runs well, just hot!
Is this OK or do I need to solve more problems?
I've stressed it with several tools including Prime95, Cinebench and Intel Burn Test.
Using a Noctua D15 with dual fans.
Have a total of 6 case fans, all exhausting.
Question is that under stress, cpu hits 100C on first 7 cores (HWMonitor) and 80-90C on the remaining.
I know that this cpu does run hot although I don't know how much or what is OK.
I've reseated the Noctua a couple of times just to be sure. No difference.
All runs well, just hot!
Is this OK or do I need to solve more problems?
I've stressed it with several tools including Prime95, Cinebench and Intel Burn Test.