i9 9900k Issue

Nov 8, 2018
Hello, I have a concern with my CPU. I currently use the EKWB Velocity Waterblock. I checked to makesure it was completely mounted on correctly and I used a good amount of kryonaut thermal paste. The idle temp in bios shows 57c to 62c and when I try to boot into windows it shuts down with cpu temp warning error. I am in need of assistance.
Disregard this post. I managed to fix my problem and am displaying 28c on idle and the boot works properly now. I made a stupid mistake and forgot to remove the film on the block. I feel like an absolute idiot.
Disregard this post. I managed to fix my problem and am displaying 28c on idle and the boot works properly now. I made a stupid mistake and forgot to remove the film on the block. I feel like an absolute idiot.
I'd start looking at whether the pump is configured and connected correctly, or whether you have an air bubble in the system. Sounds like the pump is not working.

Are you sure the pump is even running? Have you checked the RPM signature in the bios for whatever header it's attached to? Did you double check that the water block is correctly installed. Sometimes too much paste can be a bad thing or maybe the mount wasn't done right.

You are not alone in making this mistake. Many have before and will again. Have fun!