i'am building a new PC for gaming and I have a 8cors i7 with 5.2ghz and two AMD readon r9 295x2 how much RAM I need and how mu


May 20, 2016
i'am building a PC fort gaming and i have an Intel core i7 with 8 cors and 5.6 GHz and two AMD readeon r9 295x2 how much RAM i need and how much it cost and i need a god case two ?
What i7, what mobo? what PSU? In general for gaming will want 8 or 16GB in a 2x config. Capabilities, DRAM wise of the different i7's can very greatly

Can we see a full specs list? And what are you going to be doing with this PC? Gaming? What games? What resolution? Do you actually know what you're doing?