Question IBM Thinkpad Lenovo T61 laptop and Windows 98

Mar 17, 2019
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum. Was advised by IBM Help staff to join Tom's Hardware Forum as I am in dire straits for some help.
I am in Sydney Australia.
I own a very old but reliable and working IBM Thinkpad Lenovo T61 laptop. The Product ID is 7661-BZ8.

The laptop used to have a version of Microsoft Vista for a platform but recently, as I had needed to use Windows 98 Second Edition as a platform to enable me to install my Yamaha's Magic Stomp Sound Editor and work on sound editing, I inadvertently reformatted my Thinkpad and installed Windows 98. My laptop is now missing all the necessary drivers I need to get the laptop and platform working.

Please advise if you can provide me with all necessary drivers or point me in the right direction so that I can get my Lenovo to work once again under Windows 98, if possible.
I believe that anyone who has a similar laptop and has Windows 98 would be in a stronger position to help me. However, anyone's immeasurable assistance and advice would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,
Well for windows 98 your out if luck there for drivers lenovo took that OS and drivers off the website years ago. The only think I could recomend is windows 7 64bit which can use more ram [ memory] You will need to change rights on the applications shortcut to administer. Windows 7 is a much better OS than vista was. To buy it on amazon. Thank go go here for drivers.