ibuypower gaming versus pro series


Jun 27, 2017
So i'm looking for a good system and while pricing on ibuypower's site, I noticed that their pro series, configured with the same hardware is significantly cheaper than their gaming, i.e. designer 1 series compared to esports series. Am I missing something here? I went through each hardware spec for each part and they are equal. Of course I am not going to ask them directly as I will get a canned corporate answer rather than a real answer.

I could understand that point and would expect the gaming system to have better hardware, but just seems very odd to me. What is wrong with ibuypower? I know a few people that have gotten pc's from there and they were fine.

So then what would be a good company to build a system?

Many are the complaints we've seen here.
Poor construction
Poor parts
Poor warranty service

Yes, it 'works' with the config you get from them. Usually.
But woe to him who wishes to change something next year. That PSU? Piece of junk.

I'm actually curious USAFRet, which boutique companies are recommended? I know years ago when I was looking at a laptop, I had considered iBuyPower as well as a few others. Eventually, I ended up with a Toshiba. With the desktops, I know building your own is always the best route. With friends of mine though that are now hours away, I can no longer maintain them for them so the boutique option would be a good choice.


Exactly! I could understand a 10, 20 dollar difference, but about $400 difference and the only main thing I see is a"type" of machine difference? Unreal. That is why I was curious.