Question iBuyPower Keeps Freezing


Jul 31, 2019




I reinstalled Windows 10 four times and it keeps freezing. What can I do to fix this?
Under 90? For a 5800x that temp seems awfully warm. My 5900x hits about 77 under fill tilt with all cores loaded in cinebench r23 on a 10 minute run.

Did you remove the sticker from the bottom of your aio? Also what aio did you install?

Click on start menu and type in windows memory diagnostic. They’ve got a built in memory test now that can reboot your system and test the ram. May be good just to have it double check that you are good there.

How are you monitoring temps? I’d suggest using ryzen master. Hwmonitor is decent also. Are you doing any type of overclocking perchance? You may reset your bios back to factory defaults and simply enable xmp on the ram then see what it does.

What is airflow like on that case? Is it a solid front? Mesh front? How many fans etc? I know a lot of questions but airflow with a powerful gpu involved as well will play into it.

Last observation, the power supply is that a cyberpower unit? If so once you get this resolved it would be a good idea to swap it for a better unit. Many times companies cheap out on power supplies to save a few bucks and increase their profit. However if that power d supply would fail, if they aren’t built well they can take the rest of your rig out. I recommend something like the Corsair rmx series. I’ve got an 850 watt unit that’s been a great unit so far.
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