IDE cable problem


May 25, 2014
Hi guys its me once again! the one and only... well here goes i got a ide cable with the pin block on the top middle or close to there, the motherboard plug where i plug in my ide cable has pins in all the spots except there is no pin towards the far top right or far bottom right... what can i do? please help me out i need to get my 2nd hard drive up and running! thanks guys!! ur answers are greatly taken into consideration!!
well i have the HP DC7700 Convertable Mini-Tower otherwise known as the HP DC7700 CMT, i tried searching for the mobo model number but had not the slightest luck, please try u will do better then me
Not exactly sure your question, but on an ide cable, plug on end goes on motherboard. Side of cable with red stripe is pin #1. Match it to pin #1 on your board. If only attaching 1 device, use plug closest to other end for device. Again, red stripe side of cable is pin #1.
From what I can find you don't have a PATA(IDE) connector on that motherboard either that or HP as per their manual (Which says you can't use PATA devices) used some messed up connector to make sure you can't use them but you do have a Floppy connector which looks similar but a bit smaller than the PATA connector.