I have an old IDE HDD from my old PC from which I need to retrieve some important data. Old CPU stopped working and I decided to take it out hoping I will be able to retrieve the data using the IDE-USB adapter that i recently bought from Amazon for this purpose.
I went through several tutorials before doing this and connected the adapter to IDE HDD along with the external power that came along with the kit. However, I do NOT see anything in My Computer or Disk management. Neither do I see anything in BIOS. My current computer is running Windows 7.
I have already tried all possible Jumper settings , also tried connecting the power first and then USB, rebooting and all possible combinations. Also, I cannot hear any sound in Hard disk after connecting. I am sure USB ports are working fine.
Please help me on this as I need to get this important data that is saved in old IDE HDD.
Thanks in advance.
I have an old IDE HDD from my old PC from which I need to retrieve some important data. Old CPU stopped working and I decided to take it out hoping I will be able to retrieve the data using the IDE-USB adapter that i recently bought from Amazon for this purpose.
I went through several tutorials before doing this and connected the adapter to IDE HDD along with the external power that came along with the kit. However, I do NOT see anything in My Computer or Disk management. Neither do I see anything in BIOS. My current computer is running Windows 7.
I have already tried all possible Jumper settings , also tried connecting the power first and then USB, rebooting and all possible combinations. Also, I cannot hear any sound in Hard disk after connecting. I am sure USB ports are working fine.
Please help me on this as I need to get this important data that is saved in old IDE HDD.
Thanks in advance.