Ideal Fractal Design R5 Fan Placement

Nov 26, 2015
Hi all, I've recently purchased a Fractal Design R5 and two more of the case fans that ship with it so that they had similar overall performance. (Also they match and I'm vain like that) Because of how many options are available in terms of fan mounts, I'm not totally sure what my ideal cooling setup is. I have a Coolermaster 212Evo CPU and an MSI GTX 970. I intend to setup the CPU cooler to exhaust towards the rear of the machine, with the rear fan set to exhaust, while using the other 3 fans as intakes in order to create positive pressure within the case. Is this excessive positive pressure? I fear that the CPU fan may create a negative pressure environment if I set up the fans in equal air pressure. I would love to hear someone else's opinion on this.

The 3 Intake setup would be 1x bottom intake 2x front intake, 1x rear exhaust. Possibly 1x front intake 1x Bottom intake, 1x side intake. I plan to attach the 3 intake fans to the onboard fan controller and leave the exhaust as the always on fan.
that is excessive intake, use 1x front intake, 2x top intake, 1x back exhaust and 1x bottom exhaust you don't need the size fan at all with the setup I stated you will get positive pressure without it being excessive.
that is excessive intake, use 1x front intake, 2x top intake, 1x back exhaust and 1x bottom exhaust you don't need the size fan at all with the setup I stated you will get positive pressure without it being excessive.