Question Idiot question - mounting a USB drive


Dec 10, 2003
I know I'm doing something stupid, but roll with me. When I plug in an external USB drive (relatively new) I expect my system to see it. If it doesn't mount, my experience has been that it's usually Microsoft's brain dead OS not mounting it due to a drive conflict. Using disk management, i can work around this. However...

Laptop A - nope, no see. Windows 10.
Desktop B - hi, nice to meet you. Windows 10.
Laptop C - Hi nice to meet you - Windows 11.

Of course, I want to move files off of Laptop A. The windows 10 machines are on the same OS level. They both have 3 disks. Going to Disk Management on Laptop A shows no drive that would mount due to a labelling error.

Slap me with what I am missing.
Have you tried more than 1 USB drive in that specific port on laptop A?

Have you tried that specific USB drive in all available ports on laptop A?

Maybe post a pic of what you do see in Disk Management.
Perhaps laptop A does not provide enough power to its usb ports to meet the drive's power needs. Last resort might be trying connecting laptop A to a powered usb hub to boost the available power to the drive. Or you could go through laptop A's bios to see if there are any settings which would boost the power to the usb ports.
I'm sure the port is good, as it has no issue seeing a USB stick or an external SSD. The possibility about power is interesting. The drive in question is a WD external spinner I found in a drawer.

As far as what's in Disk Management, it just doesn't show up. Usually when their is a drive letter conflict, you see the device there, you change the drive letter, and it gets mounted. Key word: usually.

What's interesting is that the device does not show up in DM, it does not show up in Windows Explorer, but when I go to the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Menu" down in the task bar, it shows the device. When I open Devices and Printers - it's there. When I open up properties, it says all is well, and the device is mounted.

So, conclusion on my part is that it's not related to power. The laptop is seeing it but not clearly.
Okay, I fixed it. Came across this post:

The very last comment was what I needed. I deleted the device in device manager, unplugged and plugged it back in, and it showed up in DM. I then assigned an available drive letter, and it mounted immediately.

This laptop is 5+ years old and has been a workhorse. I have never re-installed Windows 10 Pro, so I'm sure that there is some Windows rot in there.

Appreciate the comments.