Idle Curiosity!


May 23, 2001
Does anyone know exactly what effect codered has on a pc? I have a Windows 98SE OS, but I have IE 5.5 and I've been having all sorts of problems when I'm online. Usually I can't access certain sites without my computer freezing and coming up with this error message. I have roadrunner also and not to long ago they e-mailed me and told me to download this patch if I had Windows NT or 2000 but I don't and didn't download it. If anyone knows anything about this codered and what it exactly does to your pc I would love to know. Thanks!
Don't worry my friend about "Code Red" if you are running Win9x. The Code Red virus only exploits the security hold in NT/Win 2000 server, or Win 2000 Pro that is running Internet information Service (IIS). The Code Red virus defaces web sites and post a message "Hacked by Chinese" then it overruns the unchecked buffer in a section of code that handles input URLs. The second variation of the virus called "Code Red II" is nastier. It will leave the server open to the cracker to take complete control. But it has no effect on Win9x users, except that you may not be able to access some of the sites that have been hacked.

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