[SOLVED] Idle Temperature is between 55 to 65 C on my 2600x CPU

You have a second generation Ryzen+ CPU. The Ryzen Balanced power plan should only be used with the older, first generation Ryzen CPUs.

EDC is a measure of the power delivery circuitry of your motherboard. It is a measurement of how much power the circuitry is currently delivering based on how much power the circuit is designed to be able to deliver. So, at 90%, your power delivery circuit is working pretty hard and almost at max capacity for what it's designed to do, and will generate a lot of heat.

The cores on your CPU should not be anywhere near 4 GHz when you're not running any software on the machine. They should throttle themselves down to around 2 GHz to save power and produce less heat.

The Ryzen Balanced power plan may have...
Could you perhaps explain what the picture is supposed to represent, as from where I sit, the picture makes it look as though your CPU is far from idling.

Your EDC value says that your CPU is pulling 94% of what your motherboard's VRM's are designed to provide. Could be due to bad Windows power management setting. Could be due to the fact that your cores are all pegged at over 4 GHz, and your VCore is 1.4 volts, which is way too high for idle.

This looks like a failed attempt at overclocking to me.
Sorry for the late response , i would try to explain what u asked..

yes it looks far from idling even though m not running anything in my pc at the moment i took that screenshot..

i dont really understand what is EDC, but its always near 90% ,

And i never tried to overclock anything in my pc..
except from the setting XMP profile for my ram, i never changed anything else in my bios or ryzen master software..
ok i checked few things about power management settings, I changed from Ryzen balanced plan to windows Balanced plan...

Now my idle Temp is around 47, EDC stays at 27% whn idle.. and voltage at 0.8 ..

You have a second generation Ryzen+ CPU. The Ryzen Balanced power plan should only be used with the older, first generation Ryzen CPUs.

EDC is a measure of the power delivery circuitry of your motherboard. It is a measurement of how much power the circuitry is currently delivering based on how much power the circuit is designed to be able to deliver. So, at 90%, your power delivery circuit is working pretty hard and almost at max capacity for what it's designed to do, and will generate a lot of heat.

The cores on your CPU should not be anywhere near 4 GHz when you're not running any software on the machine. They should throttle themselves down to around 2 GHz to save power and produce less heat.

The Ryzen Balanced power plan may have been the issue. 🙂