IE- getting rid of those annoying "customizations"


Jan 27, 2002
Hello all!
I have a question about Internet Explorer 6.0 (although it happens on other versions). You know how, when you get IE from a source other than MS, like AOL, it changes the title banner to say something like "Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by America Online", and the standard waving flag activity icon into an AOL symbol? I'm trying to figure out how to reverse that. The text portion was easy, just do a search for it in your registry and change it to whatever you want, but the animated (gif? I'm not really sure.) part is throwing me off. If anyone knows how to change that, or even what it is actually called, I would greatly appreciate it.


ps- I'm using XP. My browser was actually changed by Cox Cable, but I've seen AOL do it as well.
While I don't know how to change the browser appearance from an ISP's default, what I normally do if the Juno or AOL browser is giving me a headache is I minimize them and open IE from the desktop. You shouldn't get cut off for being idle, plus you get to use the browser the way you like it. If you want to use any of the goodies that come with your ISP, then just Alt-Tab back to the other browser.

I know it's not a fix, just a cope. But until you can find a fix (if there is one), it helps.


<i>Thoughts are thinking; Thunk from knowing
<b>nwod</b> gniog em peek reverof sthguohT</i>

i havn't actually done this myself, but the program Xteq Systems X-setup has a feature to modify the graphic in IE to whatever you want, so presumably you can change it from the AOL one.

you can download it here:

this program has tons of other great Windows tweaks, i highly recommend it.


<font color=purple>"Brilliant thinkers have often met violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Here's the registry instructions to remove the text "Provided by [ISP]": <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<A HREF="" target="_new">]This page</A> should tell you how to change that icon back to the original

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Thanks to everyone for the tips!
I just managed to figure out my own way to do this, so I thought I'd share. To get rid of the "provided by", click start-->run, type "regedit", hit enter. Click edit-->search, type whatever the offending phrase is (mine was "provided by Cox High Speed Internet") and when you find it, change it to whatever you like (right-click-->modify). You may find two entries if Outlook was modified as well.
Getting rid of the new "activity" icon is actually easier. There will be a folder under Program Files-->Internet Explorer called "Custom", which will contain the non-standard graphics that your browser is displaying. Delete the entire folder. Problem solved! You may even be able to modify it with your own graphics, although I didn't try that.
By the way, this is how it is on Windows XP Home, it may not work on all systems.
Thanks again for the responses.
Glad to see that you've solved your problem. Nice work!

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