Science states that there is only One (1) correct answer. Personally I like the Buddhism because they don't believe in any diety, no Buddha is not a "god" but more of an enlightened one who made it to "Nirvana". I don't agree with all aspects of Buddhism, however I like their "chill" philosophy.
The Jews are still waiting for "Jesus" to return to Earth.
The Christians obviously have accepted "The Jesus" as the one and only "Son of God".
The Greeks believed in Zeus and company.
The Mormons believe in some crazy stuff that only a Mormon would believe so I won't even post it here....something about "special" underwear and rulers of your own planet.
The Catholics believe the Pope is "God on Earth".
The Scientologists believe that aliens created man.
Most Christians believe one goes to either Hell or Heaven after death, while they still believe in the 2nd Coming of Christ to take them all to Heaven and cast all the bad ones to Hell.
After being raised in a Christian home, I have decided to become an Atheist/"Scientist" (because I believe in the Scientific Method). As my post asks, if everyone believes their religion is "right", and as we all know not everyone can be "right", then does that mean that everyone is "wrong"?
Unfortunately I haven't studied every religion under the Sun so I have just posted a bit of what I have garnered over the years. I'm not trying to convert anyone or change anyone's mind but just ask you to think about it.
The Jews are still waiting for "Jesus" to return to Earth.
The Christians obviously have accepted "The Jesus" as the one and only "Son of God".
The Greeks believed in Zeus and company.
The Mormons believe in some crazy stuff that only a Mormon would believe so I won't even post it here....something about "special" underwear and rulers of your own planet.
The Catholics believe the Pope is "God on Earth".
The Scientologists believe that aliens created man.
Most Christians believe one goes to either Hell or Heaven after death, while they still believe in the 2nd Coming of Christ to take them all to Heaven and cast all the bad ones to Hell.
After being raised in a Christian home, I have decided to become an Atheist/"Scientist" (because I believe in the Scientific Method). As my post asks, if everyone believes their religion is "right", and as we all know not everyone can be "right", then does that mean that everyone is "wrong"?
Unfortunately I haven't studied every religion under the Sun so I have just posted a bit of what I have garnered over the years. I'm not trying to convert anyone or change anyone's mind but just ask you to think about it.