If i get a 64 Bit Version

rahul babaria

Jan 22, 2010
I have read an article if I get a 32 Bit version of 7 than it will register less ram than 4 GB(about 3.2 GB) even if my pc has more Ram, so should I get a 64 Bit, but I have heard that 64 Bit OS has issues with many games
i.e. is there a way to circumvent by not installing a 64 bit and getting full benefit of 4 GB ram

But what about older games like prince of persia sands of time,warrior within, halo ? will they have problems

they wont have any problems, but games like POP sands of time does not work in Windows Vista & Windows 7 ir-respective of any 32 bit or 64 bit O.S .

BTW if the game works in 32 bit O.S then it will work for 64 bit O.S too and vice-versa.