If I get a new motherboard that is the same company as my current one, do I still have to put a new OS on it?


Aug 6, 2014
I currently have an Asus Z77 motherboard and I want to upgrade to an Asus Z97 motherboard. I know usually you have to reinstall the OS, but if the new motherboard is Asus also, do I still have to?
If you have Windows 7 or below, then you won't have to reinstall the OS, but you will have to install all the drivers for your motherboard fresh (since the drivers are all different), and you may have to re-license your software if it is hardware bound.

If you have Windows 8/8.1, you will also have to reinstall all drivers, but you will not have to re-license your OS.

I want to see if this works now lol. Let us know if you try it.

Maybe i have been reinstalling windows for no reason lol.