If I had two PCs could I use one PC to record the other?


Apr 13, 2015
I was on youtube watching a setup video and the guy said he had one pc for Streaming, Recording, and Rendering. How is he recording and streaming the PC he's gaming on with the PC used for productivity? Would he need to connect them with an HDMI or something like that?
That capture card records to an external HD. So you would:

1. Record on PC A via the external card to the external HD
2. When done, you would disconnect the HD from PCA and connect it to PC B

I don't see how this is any different than just having the file transferred over an ethernet cable, except this way no playing with cable connects / disconnects.

The reason I imagine that the video guy / gal was doing this I imagine is:

A. If he's using 1 or 2 GFX cards, gaming performance would be better on a Z97 based system
B. For video editing, depending on the app, performance would be better on an X99 based system


The capture card would save it to the second PC because thats what its connected to (idk what CC you're talking about). The reason I would prefer recording with a seperate pc is because if i was to record with the same PC i game with i would lose performance.

Well I have a gtx 980ti and i play at 1440p so 60fps isnt always to get and recording my gameplay would only make it worse.