if i have good airflow case will i get good temps even with 30c ambient temp?


Mar 18, 2016
i see in most reviews of msi gtx 1060 gaming x max temp 65c - 67c 
i have mastercase 5 pro 
front 2x140mm fans
back 1x 140mm fan

my ambient temp is about 27-30
so will i get the same temps or my temp will be higher with the difference between the 2 ambient temps?

^^That's an excellent point about altitude and something a friend of mine experienced. Since air is thinner the higher up you go above sea level, the less effective airflow there will be over the fans. The exact same phenomena that propeller driven aircraft and even jet aircraft experience at high altitude airports: less airflow for the engines, and less airflow over the wings for lift.

I have noticed my laptop running 4-5C warmer in Denver at 5,000' adjusted for ambient variation than at sea level in Florida. Since it's only on small fan not moving a lot of air, that's a big difference, it would...
You are always going to get temps a little bit higher than in the review because your ambient temp is higher. If your ambient temp is lower, you might get even lower temps. But remember that you will never get less than the ambient temperature if you are using conventional cooling methods (conventional liquid or air cooling).

^^That's an excellent point about altitude and something a friend of mine experienced. Since air is thinner the higher up you go above sea level, the less effective airflow there will be over the fans. The exact same phenomena that propeller driven aircraft and even jet aircraft experience at high altitude airports: less airflow for the engines, and less airflow over the wings for lift.

I have noticed my laptop running 4-5C warmer in Denver at 5,000' adjusted for ambient variation than at sea level in Florida. Since it's only on small fan not moving a lot of air, that's a big difference, it would be real interesting to see that difference in a high airflow gaming PC moving a lot of air.
