M Monkey5000 Reputable Jul 2, 2014 2 0 4,510 Jul 2, 2014 #1 if I install windows xp in ide mode and then set the motherboard to raid or ahci, then i hear a difference in the sound played. why is that?
if I install windows xp in ide mode and then set the motherboard to raid or ahci, then i hear a difference in the sound played. why is that?
WyomingKnott Legenda in Aeternum Aug 29, 2006 13,249 3 51,960 Jul 2, 2014 #2 I'm amazed that the machine boots at all. Can you describe the sound difference - louder, no bass, clicks and pops, plays Ave Maria at random intervals? What sound card do you have or, if none, what motherboard?
I'm amazed that the machine boots at all. Can you describe the sound difference - louder, no bass, clicks and pops, plays Ave Maria at random intervals? What sound card do you have or, if none, what motherboard?
M Monkey5000 Reputable Jul 2, 2014 2 0 4,510 Jul 2, 2014 #3 I think it installed in IDE mode, I can not select IDE in Bios, only deselect or chose RAID or AHCI In RAID it sounds al little distorted and i AHCI a lot distorted. Do you know why. Motherboard is Gigabyte P35.
I think it installed in IDE mode, I can not select IDE in Bios, only deselect or chose RAID or AHCI In RAID it sounds al little distorted and i AHCI a lot distorted. Do you know why. Motherboard is Gigabyte P35.