If I overclock my Cpu, I get errors! Help

Ajay Shanmuga

Jan 3, 2014
Intel Core2Duo E4600 @2.4GHz
MSI MS7379 Ver 3.0 MotherBoard
AMI Bios

Hi! i overclocked my CPU to @3.0GHz. I cannot find the CPU voltage menu to change it. But I found SB Voltage, Memory Voltage and I increased them a step(SB voltage 1.50>1.60, Memory Voltage 1.90>2.00). Then I restarted my computer.

My Computer worked fine for some time. But quite after some time, it showed a bsod. Then I restarted again and the same happened.
The Errors it showed are-WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR(1st time)

Please help!
The overclock is causing the BSOD, probably because you're pushing it too hard. The FSB method of overclocking, which you're doing, will typically give you a stable increase of only 200-300Mhz.

Remember, when you overclock the FSB you also overclock the RAM and PCI slots. Set your memory speed manually to whatever the CPU will support and see if that stabilises the overclock. If not, decrease the overclock by 100Mhz and see if that's stable. If necessary, keep decreasing by 100Mhz until you reach a stable overclock.
The overclock is causing the BSOD, probably because you're pushing it too hard. The FSB method of overclocking, which you're doing, will typically give you a stable increase of only 200-300Mhz.

Remember, when you overclock the FSB you also overclock the RAM and PCI slots. Set your memory speed manually to whatever the CPU will support and see if that stabilises the overclock. If not, decrease the overclock by 100Mhz and see if that's stable. If necessary, keep decreasing by 100Mhz until you reach a stable overclock.

Thank you! I overclocked my CPU to @2.7 GHz an d it's working fine now!