Hello there, I have an HP ENVY laptop that I would like to reinstall Windows 10 on because unfortunately HP likes to f**k with Windows 10 and install so much crap on it that just resetting it doesn't do the job nor using the "fresh start" feature. Reinstalling Windows 10 using a USB drive gives me the piece of mind that I'm using a completely clean version of Windows 10 without any crap on it. The laptop did come preinstalled with Windows 10 therefore it has an OEM licence, not a RETAIL licence that is definitely transferable. So my question is, if I reinstall Windows 10 on my laptop using a USB drive, will Windows detect the OEM key on the laptop without having to ask me for one? Sorry if I've made any typos/grammatical errors, I'm currently at work and I really shouldn't be on Tom's Hardware right now, xD.