If jesus came back today

IF Jesus came back today and looked at modern Christianity,what do you think he would think?

  • He would be highly pleased

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • He would be happy but no ecstatic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He would be neutral to the idea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He would be sad at some of the corruption that exists

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • He would be mad that it's so off from his original teaching

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • I don't believe he ever existed

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters
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To be quite honest, if I were Jesus and saw the stuff done in my name, I wouldn't come back! Would you? You'd have millions crazies following you, crazies trying to kill you, crazies trying to have your babies, crazies trying to say their kid was your baby, entire nations bringing you to court!
Since "modern Christianity" is such a broad term it's hard to say. There are certainly alot of "interesting" interpretations of the Bible going around, and many that simply pick and choose parts to hold as true and other parts as mere stories. You should either call it a story book or the word of God, not both.
The OP never ended an end date, so it auto-closed straight away. I tried to correct it but unfortunately you can't re-open a poll once it's closed.

EDIT: Correction, I worked it out. If you make a change to any of the options it resets the poll. Vote away :)
If i were Jesus and i came I were back,
I would be very sad, sad to see that the society is destroyed by individualism and materialism. If he would back, he would help us to find real christianism, which is lost since around 1900years.
He would also be dissapointed his pet raptors are extinct.


Man, that would make one angry zombie.
Pet raptors! :ouch:

@ FrenchBoy: Out of curiosity, what is the "real christianism, which is lost since around 1900years"? And how do you know Jesus's intent for Christianity?
We'll probably see more war than we see today. Look, the muslims foughts the jews for Jerusalem, what would they do if Jesus were to come back?

Everyone would love him at first, then some would probably hate him later. The hate wouldn't probably be enough to cause wars, there are a lot more checks and balances than way before. Most threats by countries invading countries now, could usually be talked off.
If Jesus came back today he would continue his original mission of preaching the message of love, peace, and brotherhood and move to unite the religions of the world.

All modern religions believe in One God. It is only the various perceptions of that One God that separate Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhism, etc...

Jesus was not a war monger.

I find is sad and ironic that people seem so willing to believe the historical existence of Bodhidharma, Confucius, Muhammad, Abraham, and other prophets but reject the notion that Jesus was a real person.
[I find is sad and ironic that people seem so willing to believe the historical existence of Bodhidharma, Confucius, Muhammad, Abraham, and other prophets but reject the notion that Jesus was a real person.]

Jesus is as real as any of the names you mentioned

You are correct, and just as Bodhidharma, Confucius, Muhammad, were Abraham real people; so was Jesus.

Disputing the fact that Confucius, Muhammad, Abraham, and Jesus were real people is the same as disputing that Alexander the Great, Constantine, or Cleopatra were not real people.
If jesus came back do you think he would give a *** that we are polling ourselves as to what he would do? Does he as the question WWID? To many questions to be debated by our mortal souls...

Exactly! (Nice to know there's another Christian on here.) So, the question is really meaningless as written and becomes: "Looking at modern Christianity, what do you think Jesus thinks?", since, of course, he does see and know everything right now anyway.

I'm not worth the dirt Jesus walks on, so I wouldn't even presume to tell you what I think Jesus thinks.

I can tell you what I think of Modern Christianity.
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