If you can answer this your either a genius or a god


Jan 4, 2013
Ok so I bought a GTX 660 ti and installed it into my machine, which before had been running perfectly on a AsRock Fata1ty P67 Proffessional Motherboard, intel i5 3450 cpu 8gb ram and most importantly a 650watt Corsair tx650 power supply. The graphics card that I had in there was a radeon hd 6670. My problem is that whenever i go to turn the pc on the graphics card displays no signal. Now this is the reason it is not in the graphics card section of the forums is that I actually did RMA the graphics card and it was found to be perfectly functional. See the pc powers up fine and i can here the windows sounds when i log on but i still get no signal to the monitor. My thinking is, and im not proud of it, i bought my psu cheaper second hand from ebay and it makes a rattling noise when turned on. Does anyone think that the power supply (which btw was working with my 6670 which does draw a hell of a lot less power) isnt actually delivering the power under load that it says it should? Im just about to buy a new power supply and as far as i can see this is the only option left. :/ yes. im puzzled to.
Sooner or later people will realize that going cheap on a PSU is ALWAYS a bad idea. Buy a good quality PSU from Corsair or Seasonic and you should be fine. Also you might want to make sure you have the vid card plugged in properly and has the proper power cables plugged into it and also you have it plugged in to the outputs on the card before you purchase a new PSU. But I would anyhow, anything rattling is never a good sign.
Did you follow this procedure ?

1. Uninstall AMD GFX drivers.
2. Turn off machine and remove card / install new card
3. Turn on and install nVidia drivers.

The TX650 gets a 9.5 performance rating from jonnyguru, so it's a very good PSU with more than enough power . What is the rattling noise ? Does it stop if you stop the fan ? The only way to determine what is wrong without test equipment is to swap components with a known working PC.

all drivers were uninstalled
cant get to that stage

the rattling noise is really loud and from what i believe to be the sleeve bearing on the fan. It was bought from what i now know to be a dodgy ebayer and i wonder if the power supply isnt quite delivering the power that it said it should be. The ebayer charged £30 for the psu and £20 for postage so im presuming he was expecting us to return it saying it was crap and he would not refund us the postage. However ive just ordered a brand new EVGA supernova NEX650watt Gold from overclockers, itll be here tomorrow and ill have a quiet pc, i decided that even if the psu isnt dead it would still be nice to have a quiet one. Anyhow thank you very much for your answer but it doesnt even show the bios so its not a driver issue.
Are you using a monitor or a HDTV? What's the brand? How are you connected, DVI, HDMIT, etc?

Try this, turn on the monitor first, and after you are sure it's "on" for a few seconds - turn on the PC.

Do you even see the bios boot messages?

Your lack of a video signal sounds eerily similar to my setup and I have the same mobo. I use an HDTV for a monitor, and a little while ago I fried my GTX 580 which ended up damaging all my HDMI inputs on the HDTV. If I turn on my PC first, and then the HDTV, I see the bios boot messages, but Windows will load with no video signal. Stupid HDMI-handshake issues - which sounds like your problem. Can't even get SLI to work properly unless I unplug and replug in the cable each time I load Windows. So until I replace my HDTV, I turn it on first, wait a few seconds, then power up the PC. Though I don't like the sound of a noisy PSU, I'm not entirely sure that's your problem.
People can buy off ebay and most of the time come away with good quality things and then you have the few times that someone will be trying to get rid of a defective part and not care that they are sticking someone. The person that you bought the PSU from, how many feedbacks do they have and are they 100% positive?

The rattling sound may be the fan and a 650w PSU should be enough to run what you have , so there must be something wrong with the PSU provided all the cables are connected properly and the card is seated properly also.
You should also check both ends of the monitor cable and try another just in case, stranger things have happened and a cable going defective is not that uncommon.

the guy had bad feedback which i checked after having problems and the bad feedback was for faulty pc parts such a mobos etc.

The card is seated perfectly because the mobo clears bios fine. I may just give it to a technician to fix

im fairly sure its a different problem as its the same for the dvi hdmi and display port outputs on the card. even if its not the psu it will be nice to have one that is quiet

and i dont even see the bios messages. And when i say noisy i mean this thing sounds like a ferry
The no Signal message is on your Monitor? Afaik the 6670 doesn't require a extra powercable from the psu, while the 560 ti does! Is a 6pin PCI-E connctor attached correctly to the card? If the PSU supply various PCI-E cables, try to use a different one. In no way the cause of this problem is a too low wattage PSU.

Btw. do you have another Monitor to test?
Did you try putting your original video card back in?
If it still works it may be your psu is giving out how old is the psu?
The new card has a 6 pin power connector slot that you have to plug in from your power supply.
It may be that your supply is old and the caps have aged to the point that it has enough juice for the older card but not the newer one.
This is just a guess if you have some one you can borrow a supply from and test with or some one that has a psu supply tester it could help.The recomended supply for your original card is 400w and the 660ti is recomended with a 450watt supply.
It very well could be the power supply. I've read several times that power supplies may not output the wattage / power they are rated too.

In that ase, your video card wouldn't be fully powered. It sounds like you have a new one on order, so before continue your diag. work, I'd get that new one installed and go from there. Maybe install the old card for now just to keep the computer working.... (and show yourself that the computer otherwise works)
His hardware WITH an 660ti maybe uses roughly estimated around 100 Watts in Idle. You really tell him his 650w PSU is an overrated 100Watt Power Supply? Seriously?

It is possible that parts of the PSU are not functional, by the information he provided this would be most likely related to the PCI-E connector which I described above...

no the p67 motherboard does not have an onboard out. also the problem seems to be a conflicting bios
You said in the beginning that the PSU rattles, you also stated later on that the guy on ebay had thumbs down for selling faulty goods, then it can only be that the PSU bought on ebay is at fault. PSU is not supposed to rattle.

Go buy a PSU from elsewhere.
The solution was that the graphics card was incompatible with the bios of the motherboard so i contacted AsRock and they sent me another version of the bios and once that installed everything worked as intended right from the word go. I replaced the psu with an EVGA supernova NEX650G brand new but the psu was not at fault except the rattling noise