so im kind of desperate now.
ive bought a.1070 strix card. put in into my system and it worked ok. when i loaded games up the psu fans would go nuts spinning fast and loud and would switch off. i looked at the psu and it was covered in dust. ive removed.the psu and used a can of conpressed air to clean out the dust.
placed my psu back in now there is no power when press the button on the psu to on. mobo lights dont light up and power switch doesnt work.
i havea 4790k
z97 msi M power mobo
480gb ssd
24gb ddr 3
corsaire cx 750m psu
i have pulled the battery out for 10 mins and put back in.
ive pressed the clear cmos button on the i/0 bit . nothing works. but when.i pull thepower lead out the mobo lights up and kind of starts the pc for 2 seconds(think this is static)
can anyone help and give me detailed steps on how to clear static and start my pc ?
i will gift you a game on steam up to $15 if anyone can help.
im at work for 5 hours or so. thanks
ive bought a.1070 strix card. put in into my system and it worked ok. when i loaded games up the psu fans would go nuts spinning fast and loud and would switch off. i looked at the psu and it was covered in dust. ive removed.the psu and used a can of conpressed air to clean out the dust.
placed my psu back in now there is no power when press the button on the psu to on. mobo lights dont light up and power switch doesnt work.
i havea 4790k
z97 msi M power mobo
480gb ssd
24gb ddr 3
corsaire cx 750m psu
i have pulled the battery out for 10 mins and put back in.
ive pressed the clear cmos button on the i/0 bit . nothing works. but when.i pull thepower lead out the mobo lights up and kind of starts the pc for 2 seconds(think this is static)
can anyone help and give me detailed steps on how to clear static and start my pc ?
i will gift you a game on steam up to $15 if anyone can help.
im at work for 5 hours or so. thanks