if you can.solve my problem i will reward you


Dec 29, 2014
so im kind of desperate now.

ive bought a.1070 strix card. put in into my system and it worked ok. when i loaded games up the psu fans would go nuts spinning fast and loud and would switch off. i looked at the psu and it was covered in dust. ive removed.the psu and used a can of conpressed air to clean out the dust.

placed my psu back in now there is no power when press the button on the psu to on. mobo lights dont light up and power switch doesnt work.

i havea 4790k
z97 msi M power mobo
480gb ssd
24gb ddr 3
corsaire cx 750m psu

i have pulled the battery out for 10 mins and put back in.
ive pressed the clear cmos button on the i/0 bit . nothing works. but when.i pull thepower lead out the mobo lights up and kind of starts the pc for 2 seconds(think this is static)
can anyone help and give me detailed steps on how to clear static and start my pc ?

i will gift you a game on steam up to $15 if anyone can help.

im at work for 5 hours or so. thanks
Try disconnecting all the power cables from the system. Also, disconnect the PSU from the wall socket. Connect them again and try. Though from the looks of it, it seems like PSU is troublesome. You may check the PSU on other PC if available to see if it is providing juice to the system or not?

Else, you can test the PSU unit with paper clip to see if it is dead or not. Refer to this video on how to do that:

Try disconnecting all the power cables from the system. Also, disconnect the PSU from the wall socket. Connect them again and try. Though from the looks of it, it seems like PSU is troublesome. You may check the PSU on other PC if available to see if it is providing juice to the system or not?

Else, you can test the PSU unit with paper clip to see if it is dead or not. Refer to this video on how to do that:



Jan 8, 2012
^ as Easy said above, the PSU is the biggest suspect here.
There is a high chance that when you did the cleaning with compressed air, the PSU finally gave out and stopped working.

1) Test your PSU with another system or with the method Easy linked.
2) Get a friend to lend you their PSU for testing if your system is dead (or buy a new one).

If your PSU works with another system, the big headache comes in as you'll need to test whether your motherboard or any other major component is dead (mobo would be the 2nd suspect in this case).

If your PSU doesn't work with another system, you'd be best off buying a decent new power supply and using that. A 600W supply is more than enough for your system, assuming that's all the parts you have in it.

Good luck, and if this helps, spend that $15 on the new PSU!


Dec 29, 2014
thanks for the.advice. now when i switch the button on the power supply on the pc turns on ..everything lights up all fans are spinning ...but only.for 4 or 5 seconds. there is a blue jbat 1 light flashing
blue 1 light flashing on? Did you test the PSU? If it is tested out to be ok and board is getting power then next possible suspect could be CPU. Better do a breadboard test. Take out the components from the chassis and setup board on top of its packing box. Install your RAM, CPU, graphics card and power it up. See if it boots. Also, try clearing the CMOS