I'm building my first comp, so my knowledge is fairly limited and may be asking basic questions. I was thinking of getting the DEEPCOOL KENDOMEN ATX Mid Tower, for one its a pretty good deal, and comes with 5 preinstalled fans. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811853012
What I'm confused about is the molex power connectors, some reviews have been complaining about those. I don't even know why they are bad etc. And would I plug all 5 fans into my MOBO?
Also if you could recommend a good CPU temp monitor without ads and crap that would be great. Thanks a lot!!
What I'm confused about is the molex power connectors, some reviews have been complaining about those. I don't even know why they are bad etc. And would I plug all 5 fans into my MOBO?
Also if you could recommend a good CPU temp monitor without ads and crap that would be great. Thanks a lot!!