I'm a little confused with my 2 monitors

Chess of confusion

Jul 28, 2017
OK both of my monitors are the same make and model and both are connected via DVI but only one monitor dose full screen all the way... I've even made each monitor the main one. But only the 1 does it properly and yes i've check all the settings on PC and the monitor them self's that's including Nvidia control panel. And i was using the other to monitor to play my games on.. which I've only found out today the other monitor does it better.. so that's now my main one..i still don't get whats the problem tho both are the same. If i can't fix it no worries i think I've got the right now anyways.
Yea if you have some kind of capture card on the laptop, usb or otherwise, your work around will work to from form your PC to HDMI to Splitter then Splitter to HDMItoDVI cable and then also to capture card on the laptop that will work.

And glad you for the monitor situation fixed! I wouldn't have though of that haha

and yea that is a pretty old i5. You really need a i7 for 1080p + Streaming ( at least up to the 4th Gen Intels) the starting with the 8th and 9ths for sure an i5 can handle it.
That should only have 1 DVI port so I am assuming you are using a HDMI or Display Port to DVI adapter? If so is that the monitor having the issues? if so that is your issue. Some adapters may not be able to pass the proper monitor settings to the PC to tell it what resolution it can actually do.

If that is not how it is connect can you explain how it is.
yea i do have a HDMI to DVI converter adaptor in one of the monitor's...but both of my monitors are Benq they both have VGA and DVI input but the problem still happens when the used the... straight up DVI cable and i've tried it both of the monitors and only one of them show better full screen. It's so wired.
No that's what i did do....but only with the DVI to DVI from PC to monitor..i did didn't want to do it with the other cable HDMI to DVI because like you said ( Some adaptors may not be able to pass the proper) and it still happens even with DVI to DVI it's just the one monitor work's at full screen properly.

Don't get me wrong they are both set to 1920 x 1080 and both look fine not doing thing... but it's when i load up a game on one monitor connected with DVI to DVI then i repeat that with the other monitor and only that one monitor that fill's the screen and looks nice.

All that matter's is that i'm using the right monitor for the right job for playing game's..Also 17 times the word Monitor was mention and this one makes it 18 😀
Hahaha I see your Chocolate Starfish reference lmao.

Hmm so one monitor just always doesn't read at the right resolution then and it is the same one all the time. Might be an issue with the DVI port on the monitor not registering to the PC properly. What other connections are there to try?
what limp bizkit i think you lost me..well like i said both of these Mmmmmonitor's ..sorry for the stutter there 😀 they have only DVI and VGA so unless i've brought my GTX 1050 ti from China or japan it wouldn't come with VGA.

And YES Asians version does come VGA they were used for the internet Cafe's over there... I learned about it while watching an episode of linus tech tips. I saw one on Amazon uk for £56 and i brought it to light on here awhile ago and everyone was say FAKE it's FAKE until i saw Linus learn about him self.

But back to the topic so no... these monitors don't HDMI or DP

But thanks for everything thanks for the help.. actually there's one..more.. thing!..that's from Jackie Chan Adventures lol My PC can Play & record most game's.. but streaming as well NO..i have a laptop beside my PC it to also has OBS and i was wondering if i could use a Male to Male USB would the OBS on the laptop pick but the game i'm playing on my PC.

And really they have VGA? Thats is weird! There are some good HDMI/DP to VGA Adapters that I use for my clients since all these damn dells you have have to pay extra to get a VGA port on them and 80% of my cliends still use VGA but even then I still need a HDMI/DP to VGA/DVI Adapter for them that I never have issues with.

Have used this one IDK how many times without issue or fail


and this one for DP to VGA


Do you have another VGA/DVI PC to test it with? you got a laptop there try the VGA if it has one.

And its more like.

Onnnne Mooore thing lmao got to add that extra nnnn and oooo in there XD Loved that show as a kid hahaha

Also for the second PC you need a capture card of some kind to use a second PC. What CPU do you have?
It's an old one i5 2310 2.9ghz and for the laptop is a i3 3110 2.40ghz most games i can play and record with but trying to stream as well Nope.

Also i found out what the problem was i'm so stupid in Nvidia Control panel..In Adjust desktop size and position by mistake i set my main monitors to Full-screen and my other to aspect ratio LOL After setting the first one back to aspect it's all O.k again.

I was so hoping i could use a HDMI spitter and a HDMI to USB adaptor so... the HDMI would go from the PC to the Splitter whitch has port 1 and port 2 then port 1 would have the HDMI/DVI this basically https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01LWYC529/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This is what i brought ages ago you see i'm a small Youtuber i do LP games so i need to have good quality.

Anyway moving on... so yea.... that HDMI/DVI would go to my main monitor then Port 2 would have the HDMI/USB to my Laptop which my OBS on there would pick it up that way...instead of me having to my Roxio Gamcap HD Pro It's not nice to use that believe me. Because when glitches happen it's because of the Roxio nothing else. Even when i'm just Roxio as a signal transfer to the OBS and to stream with the Roxio hell no it's so bad. But anyway thanks for all the assistance and support you gave i really appreciate it.
Yea if you have some kind of capture card on the laptop, usb or otherwise, your work around will work to from form your PC to HDMI to Splitter then Splitter to HDMItoDVI cable and then also to capture card on the laptop that will work.

And glad you for the monitor situation fixed! I wouldn't have though of that haha

and yea that is a pretty old i5. You really need a i7 for 1080p + Streaming ( at least up to the 4th Gen Intels) the starting with the 8th and 9ths for sure an i5 can handle it.