N NackaLacka Reputable Oct 2, 2014 48 0 4,530 Oct 2, 2014 #1 is this a good gaming pc for the budget anything i need to change out or is it good? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XN9xTW
is this a good gaming pc for the budget anything i need to change out or is it good? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/XN9xTW
Solution ImDaBaron Oct 2, 2014 Looks good for a budget system except for the power supply. Get a Seasonic,XFX or EVGA power supply. Stay away from the CX series.
Looks good for a budget system except for the power supply. Get a Seasonic,XFX or EVGA power supply. Stay away from the CX series.
ImDaBaron Admirable May 26, 2014 1,866 0 6,160 Oct 2, 2014 Solution #2 Looks good for a budget system except for the power supply. Get a Seasonic,XFX or EVGA power supply. Stay away from the CX series. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Looks good for a budget system except for the power supply. Get a Seasonic,XFX or EVGA power supply. Stay away from the CX series.