I'm biulding my first pc and need some clarification


Dec 28, 2014
So i'm thinking of biulding a computer here and i have the following questions:
1st is this a decent biuld? http://pcpartpicker.com/user/bloxwich/saved/sKCZxr budget of <1300 USD$
2nd for compatibility i looked it up myself and think everything is good, but i might have missed something so check for me pls
3rd I cant buy these stuff in my country and thinking of buying the parts from the suggested lowest price site(s) is there any unreliable site i should avoid? The suggested sites are currently NCIX US, Newegg, Superbiiz, OutletPC, B&H, Amazon. I heard Newegg and Amazon are reliable enough what about the others?
I will buy it mid january i think
550W or 600W is real i.e. conducted to the PC parts . Efficiency of Bronze is 80+% . i.e. power draw 340W , loss 17% i.e. 350W from the Wall . Regardless of the overclocking , 550W good PSU is enough .

about the RAM: I heard that some some ppl say single channel and dual channel doesn't really have much of a difference. So thought if i were to add in additional ram in the future and it might not fit with the cooler i have then it'd be a problem so i went with single but if dual channel really does make a difference i will change it.


ok thx i'll search for same 1 with red color then
about the PSU: I will be overclocking when i learn how to. according to pcpartpicker.com Estimated Wattage: 332W and with overclocking i think it would be around 400W and from what i heard PSU efficiency is about 50-70% of the PSU stated Watts so i think i need minimum of 600W. Tell me if this is true and if so then i need recommendation with 600W+ pls