Im browsing for 8gb sticks but..


May 20, 2013
To reach rated memory speed, enabling Intel XMP profile or manual BIOS tuning is required

1. What does that even mean. is it something like... we advertise timing but unless you do this and have that thats not what your gonna get ????????????????????

2. I read that Crucial Muskin G Skill Samsung Corsair are the brands to go with. Please vote

3. My board M5A99X EVO 2.0, 1333 1600 1866 21?? ( O.C.) .... What does OC mean here. OverCLock of course but is it A. u can go 21?? only if you O.C. or B. by can OC to fake 21??

Profile and Prefenrences;
I am long ride away from starting to OC, I barely no what is OC-able ....I dont plan on becoming but if it doesnt make any difference in the price, I dont mind getting hardware that is OC-able. As long as I dont loose performance over an other hardware by not doing it. But I prefer perfomance without.

Have Phenom ii x4 and the 8350 is on its way.

Thanks for your help people
nice mobo I just ordered the same

XMP means that it will automaticaly overclock for you if you chose XMP mode in BIOS.
1866 is the best speed for amd 8350.
also buy in pair, 2 * 4gig not 1 * 8 gig

XMP will OC ** from ** the advertise speed or It will OC ** AT ** the advertise speed ??? I keep reading About it and I see people saying they 1600 and ppl they ll them to go put the bios thing at 1600, like wtf...

Also, thnx for tell me the 1866 is the best but the timing are never equal and for some reasons it bugs me lol. All the 1866 I see have 9-10-9-27 or 28

Also, Which and why