I'm building a new pc


Sep 30, 2016
Hi guys im trying to make a new pc and is for gaming i would like to make it around the $850 tops and here is the build i made http://pcpartpicker.com/list/yjhNzM altho the Ram in amazon are at $47 and im was planing to buy a 500 w1 +80 psu this (https://amzn.com/B00H33SFJU) if there is anything i should change to make it better i would appreciate it or if there is any noob mistake i made i would also appreciate to know it thank you!
a last question is the mother board ok? or there is other i should try to get? and other thing should i get the intel 6600k if i will mostly play some FPS, MMORPG but mostly RTS or TBS like Civ VI