I'm going to kill myself with my problem


Jun 7, 2013
Hi guy, sorry I speak french but little english.

For christmas I bought new processor and motherboard.

The guy in the shop installed the mobo and the processor in my pc, but I have big problem.

I installed windows 7 again ( for have no problem ).

When I booted the pc 1 hour ago, it was written cpu fan error in my screen, so i checked on google how to repare the problem and now it's okay.

But the big big problem it's that I ALWAYS boot on the BIOS.

I did the right choice for first boot ( hdd ) but it's still the bios that is open when i boot my pc.
" Bonjour, après avoir changé de carte mère ( z87-c asus ) j'ai réinstallé windows entièrement mais voila qu'un problème survient...
Déjà avant au démarrage ça m'a mis cpu fan error, j'ai regardé une astuce sur le web pour régler ça et c'est fait ( enfin j'espère ), ensuite je démarre tout le temps sur le bios alors que j'ai mis disque dur en premier choix......
Voilà je suis anéantis car c'est mon cadeau de noël le proco et la carte mère.... surtout que j'ai plus un rond et que je sais pas régler le problème tout seul....

My mobo is the asus z87-c
Does the BIOS tell you to press a key to continue - Function1, perhaps? Do you see a warning from S.M.A.R.T saying the hard disk is faulty?

On the fan error - can you actually see the fan on the heatsink spinning and is it plugged into the motherboard where it says CPU fan?
heu yes it SAY " press f1 to acces the bios " but i don't press any key...

after i don't understand your reply with hard disk, I only know that my hard disk is fine.

My " evo 212 " is plugged in cpu_fan on the motherboard so it's okay

after my pc works... finally i don't know.

I just want to acces windows directly , i don't want to have the bios menu every time I nboot my pc
I'm surprised there is no message above the "Hit F1 to continue" message but without having a copy of the same BIOS as yours in front of me, it's hard to make a suggestion. The only thing I could suggest is to go into BIOS and find the entry called "Default Settings" or "Optimal Settings". There must be something in there that makes it think you want to change and going back to the default settings might help.