Im having serious BSOD issues and would like to know what you think.


Dec 21, 2016
I've been having sever BSOD of death issues. Have gotten every failure possible. I ran a memory check, came back fine. All dump files said Kernal issue. When I tried a scandisk, it either caused a BSOD or finished with unknown errors. Updated all drivers, eliminated all unnecessary programs. Went to do a full wipe and reinstall, and couldn't even do that. Then I restarted and got stuck in PC diagnosis and it's trying to to fix it that way, until finally whenever I start my PC, it goes through the MB start screen straight to a blue screen that says Recovery. Corrupt object in Boot configuration disk. At this point, should I assume it's been that HD and nothing else? I have the OS on its own SSD, does it just seem like that it locked up, and time for a new one?

I dont have a windows 10 installer but i do have the windows 8.1 disk. Would that work or do I need the 10 installer? Thank you for the help
I don't know as I haven't seen any of your other BSOD codes you say you have been getting. This one might let you at least get into windows

the reset that didn't let you finish isn't a good sign that windows is overly healthy. What happened when you tried to wipe it? what was problem there?

it wouldnt do it. came up with some error with lots of numbers in a white box.

Sorry, the resetting the drive before it went into recovery mode.. ill be home in 20 and let you know if the booting from 8 works.

So im pretty sure its the hard drive. I tried to boot with the 8.1 disk and it would just go to that recovery screen. Wouldnt even let me do anytrhing else. I unplugged it, set my other drives as main, and then loaded and am now in the install screen. Going to partion, and run it through my other drive. If it works that way, ill plug my other drive back in and see if i can see if its working properly and possibly format then reinstall.