The mouse is absolutely stunning and it doesn't look like it's curved to the left like most right-handed mice.So,can i still use the mouse comfortably?
Probably not, did you try other right-handed mice and did they feel comfortable? Plus all the buttons are on one side, how are you going to press the buttons, with your pinky finger?
Probably not, did you try other right-handed mice and did they feel comfortable? Plus all the buttons are on one side, how are you going to press the buttons, with your pinky finger?
With my current Redragon mouse,i actually don't mind too much pressing the buttons with my ring finger 😀
Although it's not very practical or comfortable,i guess i have gotten used to right-handed mice.Hopefully i won't be clicking any buttons accidentally on the mouse! ^_^
Oh also,off-topic question,is it a good mouse to get? Absolutely love the mouse but seen a small handful of negative reviews here and there