Im looking to upgrade my CPU


Apr 12, 2013
Well, as the titles suggests im looking to buy a new CPU for my PC.
As it sits i play the newer games at medium-high quality at around 30-40 fps. (Some i have to put at low like Watch Dogs).
My current build is : I5-3350p, 8gigs of RAM, B75-D3V Gigabyte mobo, and a gtx 650TI boost with 2 gigs.
Is upgrading my CPU to something like i5-4670k going to change things, or am i just dropping frames because i need a new computer overral?

An i5-3350p isn't holding you back as much as your GTX 650TI Boost is.

Look at the CPU Hierachy.,3106-5.html
You'll see the i5-3350 is a top tier CPU.

Now look at the GPU Hierachy.,3107-7.html
You'll see the GTX 650TI Boost is in the 8th Tier on the Intel side.

You have a fairly high end CPU, with a low end/entry level GPU for gaming.

Are you sure it's GPU that is slowing things down? I mean when i go to it says i would be able to play certain games at reccomended specs if get a new CPU not GPU..

An i5-3350p isn't holding you back as much as your GTX 650TI Boost is.

Look at the CPU Hierachy.,3106-5.html
You'll see the i5-3350 is a top tier CPU.

Now look at the GPU Hierachy.,3107-7.html
You'll see the GTX 650TI Boost is in the 8th Tier on the Intel side.

You have a fairly high end CPU, with a low end/entry level GPU for gaming.

I cant afford a R9 290, its like 500$, twice as much what i intended in the 1st place.
Any suggestions for a 250$-300$ graphics card that will do the job?

A GTX 760 or an R9 280 would be good.
Me personally, I'd go for a GTX 770. Admittedly I prefer Intel/Nvidia. I have a GTX 780Ti is my personal rig and absolutely LOVE the card!

A GTX 770 puts you in the $330 - $350 range. A good GTX 770, and the option to add a second one in SLI later on if need be, is nice.
A pair of the above GTX 760 4GB cards in SLI would be pretty sweet.
If I was going for a single GTX 760 this would probably be it.

It's personal preference really.

Must be the consequence of where you live then. A 4670k, good motherboard, and cooler, would cost about the same as an R9 290 almost here. An R9 280x is a good card to go with, if you can fine one that meets your budget. Or even an HD 7970. Same card essentially.