Discussion I'm no longer receiving notiification emails to my Hotmail address, this is not so with many other forums ?


Oct 11, 2009
I was getting replies from my posts at this forum via my hotmail address (via Outlook) as of 9/17/22, but nothing since then. And when I click on the Alert envelope icon it shows no new posts, but I've posted here every year since 2022.

I continue getting replies to my hotmail address from Anandtech, AudioAsylum, Audiogon, Audiophilestyle and numerous other forums.

And I am careful to check the two boxes below the chat box at the thread to enable replies-as I will now with this message.

Please look into this matter.

Thank you.
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Oct 11, 2009
for each individual thread you need to choose the "Watch" option and then to be notified of new comments via email or they will just come through the Alerts inside of Tom's.
Thanks, I did get your reply sent to my hotmail account, but I was sure that I did check both of those boxes before I clicked to post. One thing that didn't change was that unlike the message envelope icon the alert bell icon didn't turn red when you replied, if supposed to, that is.