I'm overclocking my AMD FX 6300 and using a gtx 780. Need some advice to see if I can run games over 45fps!

Yeah i'd go for an 8320 as suggested above which can be overclocked to match an 8350. What motherboard and PSU do you have?
What 650w PSU? Also not a great motherboard. Do you already have watercooling or are you going to set it up? I think you may want to rethink your strategy, maybe get a 280x, get a new mobo, CPU and end up with a much more balanced build. Maybe something like an i5 4440 (or 4590 is you live near a micro mart), an Asrock H97 Performance and a R9 280x.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($159.99 @ Micro Center)
Motherboard: ASRock H97 PERFORMANCE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($90.91 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Asus Radeon R9 280X 3GB DirectCU II Video Card ($239.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $490.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-14 21:31 EDT-0400
well i cant switch to intel, and i use nvidia cards for stuff like streaming, im trying to get an nvidia card that can play bf4 60fps+ in 768p or 1080p without bottlenecking, maybe 1440p, so in short term, id need a gtx 770 or higher (not going over $390 with the graphic card) so really i need an amd cpu $150 or less that can play with a gtx 770 or 970, and a motherboard that is good under $65
sadly probably not...
Let me put this straight... an 8350 at 4.6ghz on my Asus 990FX Pro (the superior to the board you linked) still bottled my R9 290, which is even slower than a 970 would be. an 8350 will not hold 60+fps in games, and definitely not while streaming/recording
Here, with the 8350 I played BF4 between 40-85fps. Now that I switched to an i7 4790k, I now get 70-110fps.... same gpu, same ram, osu, same everything except I switched to Intel

Even with an 8370, Tom's Hardware doesn't recommend pairing an FX cpu with anything faster than a 760 or 270x:
"Depending on the game in question, AMD’s new processor has the potential to keep you happy around the AMD Radeon R9 270X/285 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or 660 Ti level.
A higher- or even high-end graphics card doesn’t make sense, as pairing it with AMD's FX-8370 simply limits the card's potential."

Everyone out there using one with anything higher is either lying to themselves or doesn't know they are bottlenecked...
It ran the same in BF4 Single player, since it rely's on the GPU entirely games, but for BF4 Multiplayer + recording... you will need an intel... an i5 4690k would suffice, but an i7 would be recommended.
It sucks I know, but AMD FX cpu's have aged far too fast. I was not happy to upgrade to an intel either, but it's what you're gonna have to do if you want to truly run 60+ or stream

would the intel i5-4460 go well with a r9 290? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202080

Hmm, maybe, someone else might know more about this. I would aim for a 4690k, or even a used 4670k

No reason to buy an unlocked (K) processor unless you are going to overclock it at some point.

The 4460 will work fine with a 290.

You never had a bottleneck as your GPU could hit 100% usage under load (I am positive of that). However, if you see someone with an i7 getting a better FPS with the same GPU, it is because the part of the game takes use of the CPU which will result in a higher fps due to the more powerful CPU.

You don't need to upgrade at all. You won't have a bottleneck and if you somehow do, just buy the new motherboard and CPU then.

well i was told that the fx 6300 isnt a good cpu for the cards that im going for, and everyone tells me that it will bottleneck, right now im just trying to play games like arma 3 and get the best performance, and i also heard that arma games are based on cpu, so what type of cpu should i get to play that type of game 60+fps on high or very high
actually i have another question, what would happen if i get an fx 8350 and r9 290, would i run into any bottlenecks? and could someone try to send me a good motherboard for that that is under $70 if that combo is good?

Yes, you may run into a bottleneck. If the game you are playing doesn't utilize all cores, you may have a problem.

It is better to go with an i5.

alright so i should just go with the i5 4460 and 280x, [strike]and what motherboard should i get too? [/strike] and do you know what the fps would be in games like arma 3 or bf4 in 1080p?
byza already linked a mobo to me


The 280X should be able to run BF4 at 60 FPS.

The FPS you will get in Arma 3 is completely unknown. I play it all of the time on a 4790K with a 970 and I average anywhere from the 40's to the 80's depending on the server, but it is quite common to get big dips in FPS. The game only uses two cores, so it is CPU limited. I can tell you though, that if you go AMD, you will almost certainly not get playable FPS in Arma 3.

That boarDwould roast with an 8350 or 8320. Just as Wallaby states. I am sure it throttles with your 6300 too. Only the 970 and 990 chipset boards have native support for FX cpu's.